Most standard and industry specific applications now reside “in the cloud”. Maybe you store all of your business files and folders in the cloud as well. So why does AFLEX HQ recommend replacing your business computers every 4 years?

Although most of your programs are now remote to your place of work, the basic operation of your computer is the same as it was 10 years ago. You still cycle its power (probably once a day). It still has periods of high load and low load. And even when idle, it still heats and cools the components and still subjects them to environmental conditions.  This adds to the ageing process.

The cost analysis of a new device involves a number of factors. Here at AFLEX HQ, we think of these factors in terms of wasted time, risk analysis and intangibles.

  1. Wasted Time

    “My computer is sooooo slow. It takes ages just to start.” This is something we’ve all heard, especially if you’re a decision-maker in your business. Even if the issue is exaggerated, a four-year-old computer could still cost your company 10 minutes a day. That quickly adds up to justifying the cost of a new device itself. Additionally, as the computer ageing process is relatively slow, users may not actually realise that their computer is operating at half the speed since it was new.

  2. Risk Analysis

    The risk of a computer developing a serious fault involving significant downtime increases rapidly after 4 years. Manufacturers offer a maximum warranty of 3 years.  There’s a reason for this! If a member of staff has to wait for a computer to be repaired/replaced for, say, 2 days, what is the cost to your business?

  3. Intangible

    Everyone likes a nice new shiny computer sitting on their desk. A new computer increases morale and demonstrates to your staff that they are a valued member of the team, and it gives them to right tools to do what they do best. So, no more excuses!

Combining these factors gives us an approximate lifespan for an average business computer of 4 years. In these cases, the simple act of replacing a computer can instantly boost the productivity of your staff, department and business, as well as mitigating the risk of hardware failure.

Contact us today to find out how we can manage your I.T. hardware lifecycle.